About Us

Welcome to Plannipus, where organization meets creativity and personal expression! I'm Jennifer, the heart and mind behind this unique brand that's all about embracing life's beautiful chaos.

My journey to creating Plannipus was fueled by my own struggles with managing a daily schedule and keeping my thoughts in order. After graduating high school, the need for self-organization became strikingly clear as I navigated the flexibility of adult life. Missed classes, forgotten appointments, and awkward encounters due to my forgetfulness were all too common. These experiences, while challenging, set me on a path of self-improvement and, ultimately, to the creation of Plannipus.

My passion for better organization evolved into a career as a project manager and mentor, where I honed my skills in keeping a meticulous schedule and maintaining journals. My success in these areas inspired a desire to help others facing similar challenges. I firmly believe that with the right tools and mindset, anyone can achieve success in managing their daily lives.

Plannipus is born out of a vision to offer something different in the world of planners and journals. I've spent a considerable amount on various day planners and guided journals, only to find them either too restrictive or demanding, which often led to incomplete usage. The Plannipus Day Planner addresses this issue head-on. It's a perpetual planner, free of printed dates, ensuring you'll never waste pages or money if a day or a week slips by untracked. It's about having just enough guidance without feeling overwhelmed.

Our journals are more than mere blank books; they're canvases for your creativity and organizational needs. Whether you want to brighten them up with color stickers and washi tapes or prefer a simpler approach, the choice is yours. This flexibility is the core of Plannipus - a system that adapts to you, not the other way around.

But Plannipus isn't just about planners and journals. My son, Everett, adds his creative flair to our brand with his delightful designs. His "Ch-Ch-Challah" sticker is a testament to his artistic talent, and his "Super Socks" line within Plannipus brings fun and personal expression to everyday wear. Everett's unique designs are sure to bring a smile to your face, just as they do to ours.

Our mascot, the extraordinary platypus, symbolizes the essence of Plannipus. This unique creature, with its eclectic mix of traits, represents the diversity and adaptability that we celebrate. Just like the platypus, we believe in embracing our individual quirks and turning them into strengths.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Plannipus. We invite you to join our community on Instagram for tips, inspiration, and how-to guides. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter for exclusive discounts and advice on mastering your daily schedule and journaling practices.

Remember, you're never alone on this journey. There's always someone to help, and success is just a matter of taking one small step at a time.

With gratitude and encouragement,
