Daily Journal

How to Use Daily Journal Notebook to Achieve Your Goals

Since childhood, most of us have been taught about the power of writing down goals or daily journal writing. It is an art that helps us set up goals and achieve them easily.

Whether in personal or professional life, we have goals to achieve and celebrate successes.

The most important thing about daily journal writing is that the RAS (reticular activating system) in the brain stimulates. The RAS plays the role of a filter that filters out the things that are written or considered important.

Get a Plannipus spiral journal notebook and planner for your professional and personal goals.

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Ways to Use Daily Journal Notebook to Achieve Your Goals

Daily journaling is wonderful. The great thing is that a daily journal notebook is private – for your eyes only. A few people ask - how to journal daily. Before wasting time, pick a spiral journal notebook or an online journal, and start: 

1. Setting Up Your Goals

journal notebook
  • Identify your goals: Whether your goals are to make a big career change, develop better habits, or pursue personal development, simply take a pen and write down them in your daily journal notebook, and it would be better if you segregate those goals into short-term and long-term. 
  • Make your goals visually appealing: To make them visually appealing, use pictures, make graphs, or create a visual game or flow chart to track your progress. As per a study, the chances of achieving goals increase by 1.2 to 1.4 times when written down vividly using pictures, graphs, and drawings.
  • Utilise SMART Goals: In your daily journal, use the SMART goals method. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. 
    • Setting and achieving SPECIFIC goals is made easier by their clarity and detail.
    • MEASURABLE goals let you monitor your progress.
    • ACHIEVABLE goals put you in a position to succeed rather than fail. 
    • RELEVANT goals make sure you're not wasting time on irrelevant goals and are in line with your important life goals. 
    • TIME-BOUND goals create a sense of urgency and motivate you to keep moving forward.
  • Expand your goals: Suppose, you have a goal to work as a content marketer, but first, you have to learn content marketing or get a degree/certificate. Hence, you should prioritize the learning certificate goal over the job goal. So, in this way, you can expand your daily journal goals.
  • Create a schedule: This schedule is optional. Here is why - suppose your goal is to work on your health by doing exercise. So, you can create a schedule for your exercise 3 times a day. You can even further include different types of exercise you want to do per day. In this way, you can achieve your goals easily in small steps.
  • Formatting of Your Goals: In your spiral journal notebook, write the goals in concise language. Use colored pens, highlight them, and draw icons so that you take a glance at the page and are able to know the progress. 

Want a daily planner and journal to achieve your goals? Buy here - Plannipus daily journal!

2. Updating Your Journal Notebook

daily planner and journal
  • Write Daily: Writing a daily journal is a key to success because you can update what you have achieved and know the progress you have made. 
  • Set a Fix Time for Journaling: People generally ask, how to journal daily. You can set a suitable time for you to update your daily journal notebook so that you don't miss it. Early morning is the best time when you feel fresh and relaxed. Also, a few people prefer to update their daily journal at night, before going to bed.
  • Reschedule Goals If Required: Let's say, you want to exercise more on weekends, but you are missing exercise every weekend to meet friends and enjoy the weekend. So, you can set it up as a 'cheat day' when you can be flexible, and compensate for that day's exercise on Monday or another day.
  • Learn from your mistakes: If you find it difficult to move closer to your goal, consider it a teaching moment. Identify the obstacle and take action to resolve it so you can get back to your goal.

Buy a Plannipus ruled line daily planner and journal notebook and start journaling!

3. Utilize Journal Notebook to the Fullest

color contrast daily journal
  • Review Your Goals Daily: Simply writing in your daily journal notebook is insufficient. Although writing itself is beneficial, if you want to monitor your progress, you also need to regularly review those entries. You can make time at the end of each week to review your entries for that particular week. It will measly take a few minutes. 
  • Keep track of the progress: As you keep fulfilling your goals, don't forget to record in your daily journal what you've achieved so far and any challenges that you've faced. This will allow you to look back on the work you've done to reach your goals and gain valuable insights from your personal experiences. 
  • Maintain Privacy: You should be honest and loyal to your goals when recording a daily journal notebook. It may contain personal information and experiences, so keep it in a secret place or drawer. Remember, your daily journal is your private notebook. If it is in an online document, password-protect it.

Kick start your journaling journey with Plannipus color contrast daily journal and planner today!

Wrapping Up: Using Daily Journal to Achieve Goals

how to journal daily

Daily journal writing allows you to write down your goals, a proven method to achieve success. Now that you have learned to nicely utilize your daily journal notebook, it is time to celebrate success. Each small achievement matters a lot and deserves recognition.

So, let's think big and achieve success!

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